I (Carol Mikusa L’Esperance)have been pro-life almost all of my life. I remember sending a letter to the Governor of Ohio when I was in my late teens. I have spent hours praying in front of abortion clinics in many different cities, written emails to legislators, worked for a year in a Pregnancy Care Center, walked in many state prolife marches, testified in legislative hearings and participated in two National Prolife marches. Recently, I was sitting in a prolife update at our local parish and was hearing the dire news that since Roe v Wade was overturned, abortions have doubled in our state. I was hearing people talking about what everyone was doing to save the “baby”. Not that I don’t want to save the baby too, but, I was pulled by something/someone to stand up and shout, we have to change our strategy. We have to save the Woman! Where that came from, I don’t know, but the more I thought about it the more I became convince that, that is what we must do!
Is woman in trouble? Does she need to be saved? I have just finished two books on that very topic. In “The End of Woman: How Smashing the Patriarchy Has Destroyed Us”, Carrie Gress states, “For over fifty years, women have been clamoring to make themselves into men-mentally and now biologically- but in the scramble we have frittered away what it means to be a woman.” (page 128) The other book, with a similar theme, is “The Abolition of Woman: How Radical Feminism is Betraying Women” by Fiorella Nash. Women have been lied to in this culture. They have been propagandized into thinking that being mother is an inferior role at its best and ultimately that they should not be a mother all. In order to accomplish great things, to fulfill themselves they must get out in the work force. Taking any any job is better than staying at home being a mother. How can you accomplish great things when you are tied down with children? This assumes that before our current culture women never accomplished anything! But history is full of stories of women as Mona Charen states “who were brilliant, brave, righteous, inventive, and worthy of emulation……The idea of work as a source of satisfaction or pleasure didn’t become common until the postindustrial economy, with the rise of ‘knowledge work’……work was not seen as a defining feature of one’s identity, nor necessarily as a source of self-esteem.” (Mona Charen, “Sex Matters”, p. 7 , 9) One of my favorite women is Emperor Constantine’s mother, Helen. She went on an Archeological expedition from Rome to the Holy Land at the age of 78 and discovered the 3 crosses from Jesus’s crucifixion.
So, what I want to do in this blog is to counter the Lies and Propaganda that have betrayed women. The lies that have made women feel that to accomplish anything in life they have to have career, have to be out in the workforce and not at home “enslaved” with children. The culture that has taught women that it is necessary to abort their child. If we save Woman we will save the child!