Webster defines choice as the act of choosing, a variety from which to chose, an alternative, a supply that is well chosen. Do women really have a choice when they become pregnant in a difficult situation? Usually women are referred or go to an abortion center such as Planned Parenthood where they are given one option-abortion. If you read Abbey Johnson’s book UnPlanned,(1) you learn that women are not really given a choice at Planned Parenthood clinics. They are there to get an abortion and are often pressured to have one. The motive is not to help the woman but money. Ms. Johnson who was Director of the largest Planned Parenthood in Texas witnessed this pressure and she herself would convince women that they needed an abortion. There was no discussion of options. No discussion of how they might be helped with their current situation. She was told to increase the number of abortions.
In a retrospective study 61% of the women surveyed had high levels of pressure in their abortion decision. Because of this they had more negative emotions, more frequent feelings of loss, grief or sadness about the abortion, or moral and maternal conflict over the abortion decision. (2) Similarly in another study 64% of women felt pressured to abort. Seventy-nine percent were not told of available resources. Most felt rushed or uncertain, yet 67% were not counseled. Eighty-four percent weren’t sufficiently informed before the abortion. (3) Another study found widespread ambivalence two days before the abortion procedure. The women had doubts as to whether abortion was the right decision for them. (4)
The main reasons given for seeking abortion in this latter study were personal finances, occupational/educational concerns, and social pressure. Results were similar in large longitudinal study by BMC Women’s Health. (5) Forty percent cited financial reasons, 36% timing related reasons, and 29% the need to focus on other children, and most (64%) related multiple reasons. Most studies conclude that long term emotional effects from pressure in making an abortion decision.
Doesn’t it make sense to help the over 60% of women sort out all their issues and try to see if problems can be solved in their life. The press has portrayed Pregnancy Resource Centers as evil stating that they pressure women not to get an abortion and don’t help them. But that is not my experience with these centers. I worked in Albuquerque at a Pregnancy Care Center for a year. When a woman came in we listened to her and did all we could to help her. If she left with a resolve to getting an abortion at least she felt she had been given her complete options including information on the development of her baby. Now these facilities can do ultrasounds to show her a picture of her baby. Albuquerque has several good Care Centers where women can get help. Many studies report that when a woman is given this kind of support and information she feels a positive sense of autonomy in her decision making. Recently, I was in the Washington DC area and had the opportunity to visit several Pregnancy Centers there. One woman I saw said this was the first place that someone really listened to her and wanted to know her situation. She was provided nothing but love, concern, and help.
In a developed nation such as ours. Shouldn’t we be helping these women to improve their situation so abortion is not an option. Isn’t that more compassionate and humane than torturing, crushing, and sucking a baby from her body. We are better than that!!
- Johnson, A & Lambert, C. 2019. Unplanned: The dramatic story of aformer planned parenthood leader’s eye-opening journey across the lIfe-line. Tyndale Momentum.
- Reardon, D. C. & Longbons, T. 2023. Effects of pressure to aborat on women’s emotional responses and mental health. Cureus, 15(1).
- Elliot Institute, 2024. Forced Abortion in America. AfterAbortion.org.
- Hutsfeldt, C et al. 1995. Ambivalence among women applying for abortion. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 74(10): 813-17.
- Biggs, M.A. et al. 2013. Understanding why women seek abortions in the US. BMC Women’s Health, 13:29.
Hi Carol, thank you for your thoughtful writings. I am in agreement with you 100%.
Thank you, Leonie! I believe we may never ban abortion and if we do, they will submit another law to make it legal. It feels like we are the hamster in the wheel spinning around and around. My next blog will be: Lie #3-Abortion is needed to save the life of the mother. Please add any comments! Carol
Laws change so we must change the hearts and minds of society and add needed resources for women. Pre born clinics are great. I do not understand why some states are trying to unfund or band them? Thank you for your efforts to make things better for women & save babies lives.
Thanks Neysa!!